Tuesday 31/8/2010, A Protest Stand Against The Amendment 138/2010
Requesting To Cancel Imprisonment And Fining Sentences For Five Workers Of Helwan Engineering Industries
After the military court ruled in the case 76/2010 military crimes of Cairo west of the workers of Helwan Co. for Engineering Industries ,formerly 99 military factory and acquitted all 8 workers of the charges : assaulting chairman of the board ,going on strike and disclosing military secrets. As well, the court sentenced Ayman Taher and Ahmed Taher for one year imprisonment with three years probation and EGP 1,000 fine on the charge of destruction of public property. The court sentenced Ahmed Abdel Mohaimen, Mohamed Tarek Korani and Ali Nabil Ezzat to six months
probation and a fine of EGP 1,000 on the charge of destruction of public property. The court acquitted the remaining workers : Tarek Said Mahmoud , Wael Byomi Mohamed and Hisham Farouk Eid of all pressed charges.
We hereby invite you to a protest stand on
Tuesday August 31st , 8:30 pm
In front of the Journalist Syndicate
In protest to presenting civilians to military courts and requesting to cancel the amendment 138/2010 and suspend all relevant executive administrative decisions. We also request to cancel all imprisonment and fining sentences against five workers of Helwan Engineering Industries irrespective of those sentences having been issued with suspended execution. They were issued to intimidate workers in the first place in order to inhibit them from claiming their legitimate rights.
The Egyptian Center For Economic And Social Rights.
Children of The Earth Foundation For Human Rights (Awladelard)
Coordinating Committee For The Rights And Freedoms of Workers And Unions.
Campaign For Trade Union Freedoms (Ma’an).
Socialist Studies Center
Hisham Mubarak Law Center.
Preparatory Workers Committee.
Afaq Ishtrakya .
Al Helaly institute for Freedoms
Reporters without Rights
People’s Movement For Democratic Change (Hashd).
Independent Real Estate Tax Union .
Freedoms Committee , Press Syndicate.
Prisoners of Conscience Defense Committee
Youth for Justice and Freedom
Mesh Hankhaf Campaign , No for firing workers
The Arabic Institute For Civil Society Support And Human Rights
Tanweer Center For Development And Human Rights