Zaytoun Misdemeanor Court sentences a private school’s teacher to 6 months for assaulting a student

Zaytoun Misdemeanor Court, in its session held yesterday on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, sentenced “M.A.,” a teacher in a private school in East Cairo, to 6 months in prison and a bail of 500 Egyptian pounds, on charges of assaulting and attacking student “Y.H.,” causing him serious injuries.
Zaytoun Prosecutor’s Office in Cairo referred the teacher to an expedited trial in Case No.6957 of 2023 in Zaytoun Misdemeanor Court after he assaulted the student, who is studying in the second preparatory grade in the same school, during the school day, resulting in the mentioned injuries.
The Egyptian Center’s lawyer stated that the student confirmed the mentioned teacher had consistently subjected him to abuse and expelled him from classes without justification, despite his academic excellence and lack of involvement in any school problems. However, on the day of the incident, the teacher assaulted him, causing the mentioned injuries. When the student requested an investigation into the incident, the school administration punished him by making him stand for hours in the schoolyard.
The lawyer added that a report was filed in Zaytoun Prosecutor’s Office, where the student provided his testimony, confirming the assault by the mentioned teacher. In response, the teacher denied the incident, claiming that the mentioned injuries resulted from the student accidentally falling down the school stairs. Two teachers, testifying in favor of their colleague, stated that they did not notice any injuries on the student from the beginning.
ECESR’s lawyer explained that, during the trial, the school nurse asserted that the student had not been subjected to any assault and had no injuries on the day of the incident. However, the court was convinced by the student’s testimony and his lawyer’s defense, upholding its previous judgment as mentioned.