Economic PoliciesPublications

From the 1990s until Now: The IMF loan and exacerbating the crisis

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From the 1990s until Now: The IMF loan and exacerbating the crisis

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This paper deals with the history of cooperation between Egypt and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and its effect on the Egyptian economy since the Economic Reform and Structural Adjustment Program (ERSAP) of 1991 and until now by examining certain economic indicators, to give an informed vision of what is to be expected from the new rescue loan. The paper also looks into alternatives to diving into the whirlpool of the 1990s lost decade.

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Publication Details:

Title: From the 1990s until Now

Tagline: The IMF loan and exacerbating the crisis

Date: Sept 22, 2016

Publisher: ECESR

No. of Pages: 12 page


  1. 2016 Loan.. What’s new?
  2. 25 years of mistaken visions
  3. Alternatives, are there any?

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