Press Releases

Mohamed Abdeen: RIP

The ECESR staff family mourns a dear colleague and brother who died today. Mohamed Abdeen was one of the staunchest supporters and defenders of labor causes by word and deed.

We hope you are in a better place only a few deserve, for you defended the rights of others as if they were your own.

May he rest in peace.


About Mohamed Abdeen

A lawyer and unionist, Mohamed Abdeen was working at the Sales Tax Authority. He was the legislation committee coordinator at the Egyptian Federation for Independent Unions when it was first founded. He and his lifetime partner Alaa Ibrahim founded the Independent Union for Sales Tax Employees in Giza. He participated in Our Freedom to Form Unions is the Road to Social Justice Campaign, Towards a Fair Labor Law Campaign, and Workers and Farmers Write the Constitution Campaign.

The campaigns in which he participated benefited from his experience in legal writing. He was an active member in formulating the law of union freedoms, and the alternative labor law to replace law number 12 of 2003.

He was also an active member of the coordination committee in the campaign against the law of civil service.

He participated in delegations of independent unions outside Egypt including Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan and Belgium. He also took part in delegation of independent unions attending the annual International Labor Organization (ILO) meeting number 102 of 2013 in Geneva.

He was a founding member in various independent unions, and represented many unions as a labor lawyer during collective bargaining at the Ministry of Labor Force.


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