ECESR Press Releases

ECESR Acquires Acquittal for Samiramis Case Defendant

The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) acquired an acquittal ruling for Nader Fathi Mostafa, charged in the case known as Samiramis whose events took place around the famous hotel under the rule of deposed president Mohamed Morsy.

The prosecution charged Nader with crowding, show of force and assaulting the police.

The case number 957 of 2013 Qasr-El-Nil Misdemeanors resulted in sentencing the defendant three years in absentia on 23 April 2014. The sentence was confirmed in the session of 1 April 2015 in which the court ruled to execute the ruling under hard labor and added parole for the same period.

ECESR lawyers appealed the sentence, and in the session dated 31 May 2015 Central Cairo Appeal Court acquitted the defendant of all charges against him in case number 1649 of 2015.

ECESR values the acquittal from false charges against revolution youth under the deposed president when the Muslim Brotherhood were in power. The Center also demands acquittal for all defendants sentenced with similar charges that aim to break the persevering youth who sacrificed for the principles of the revolution. The most recent of rulings was sentencing lawyer Mahinour El-Masri and journalist Youssef Shaaban and Loay El-Qahwagi to a year and three months in jail for events that took place at the same time.

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