
Victory for the Labor Class Dismantling the Egyptian Trade Unions' Federation


The labor force ministry responded to the request of  The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights, Hisham Mubarak Law Center, Ma’an Campaign for union freedoms and The Egyptian Committee to protect labor rights to dismantle the Egyptian trade unions’ federation.

In today’s meeting , the cabinet approved of dismantling the Egyptian trade unions’ federation based on the memorandum presented by the labor force minister regarding the court decisions voiding the Egyptian trade unions’ federation elections in session 2006-2011.

The cabinet assigned the labor force minister to implement the court decisions , to dissolve the board of the Egyptian unions’ federation and form an interim steering committee until the elections are run under judicial supervision.

The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights welcomes this decision as a display to endorsing the rule of law and respecting court decisions.

Earlier, The  Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights and the above listed organizations submitted a request to the labor force minister demanding to implement the court decision of dismantling the board of the Egyptian unions’ federation.

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