EducationPublicationsSocial Rights

Study: Towards Methodology to Reform Education System

The ECESR presented today the second edition of a study entitled Education System Reform Methodology within a month dedicated to the cause of education in the ECESR activities.

In its preface, the study says:

The need to develop the education system is a common denominator among all the communities around the world, without distinction between the communities of the so-called developed countries or developing countries. It can not be said that any community has reached a fairly complete satisfaction with the educational system, no matter how progress it is and no matter how this system is efficient in accordance to the established criteria. And then the first thing that should be noted about any process to develop the education system in any society is the fact that it is a continuous process with no end. It is an integral part of the permanent development of each community suffers from stagnation or infected with chronic stagnation that threatens it with backwardness and reverses the march of human progress in general.


In this context, any society needs mainly an ongoing policy for the development of education and not just a temporary program that tries to achieve a set of standards in a specific period of time. This requires, before anything else, developing a comprehensive vision based on the foundation that education is a human right. Furthermore, it is one of the main requirements for the enjoyment of many of the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, starting from the right to work through to the right of political participation.


The study begins with the true meaning of “free education”, and how to achieve a genuine free education.

Then, it considers the physical framework of the educational process: all the logistic requirements such as the educational buildings and their condition and equipment, and the teaching and administrative staff wages.

The study then begins to ask how the educational process can be developed. The answer is through three axes:

  • Curriculum development;
  • Development of preparation and training of teachers constantly;
  • Finally, the development of functional structure of educational institutions.


The study concludes with a basic reference:

It should be noted that any development of the educational system certainly imposes additional burdens on the state budget and is therefore dependent on changing the orientation and prejudices of governments which are reflected in the distribution of public expenditure ratios. While the recommendations, with regard to the state spending on services to ensure a given right, require specific percentages of total public spending, the study posed a method to calculate the required spending based on identifying specific goals and calculate the costs imposed. Defining a total assumed number, then distributing it to various areas of spending threatens, in the event of being insufficient, some fields of getting no share or for all  fields of getting the lowest share of spending.


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