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Social rights | ECESR Files Challenge before State Council for Equality between Lower Courts Staff with their Court of Cassation Counterparts

As an agent for some courts’ sub-unions’ workers, ECESR brought an action (challenge 1583/69) against the Prime Minister, the Ministers of Justice and Finance, Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council, and the President of the Court of Cassation, each in his capacity, for not equating the prosecution and lower courts staff with their counterparts in the court of Cassation and the high courts of appeal. The ECESR demanded equality on the basis of the same amount of overall monthly salary for the same job description, along with the consequent effects.

According to the challenge, the amount of work being done by the prosecution and lower courts staff is not different from the work done by their fellow employees in the Courts of Cassation and Higher Appeal, which are subject to the Supreme Judicial Council and its budget is not independent from them.
Including, but not limited to, the Court of Cassation employees get incentives by 350% while the prosecution and lower courts employees get incentives by 250%. Further, the former gets 200% overtime with a maximum of 900 pounds, while the latter gets 200% overtime with a maximum of 500 pounds. In the same context, it is worth noting that the Ministry of Justice employees get 200% overtime with a maximum of 1000 pounds.

To make things worth, the prosecution and lower courts employees are working in unfavorable conditions: the premises are overcrowded with citizens and lawyers with the lack of comfortable places with good ventilation, as well as the unpaid overtime which require staying after the official working hours, or working in the street such as the staff of court collectors office.

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