
Seminar To Discuss The Legality Of The Decree To Ban Strikes


Since the outbreak of January 25th revolution, Egypt is going through many acute and rapid changes at all levels: political, economic and  social. Legal texts play a pivot role in framing these changes. The struggle points lie where the revolution powers seek less legal restrictions, democracy ,more freedom and  trying the former regime key players and on the other hand the ruling powers seek to void these demands or issue new bills encroaching on rights and freedoms.

We still live legal debate of the referendum on for amending the constitution ,the constitutional declaration, trying civilians before military tribunals,  prohibiting the demonstration and strikes,  prosecuting journalists, public trials of former regime personnel … etc.
Issuing decrees, more than 100 decrees, raise many fundamental questions concerning:
The legal nature of these decrees.
Limits  of the authority of the military junta in this regard.
Making use of  the exceptional circumstances in the country and using these decrees to guide social and political conflict?

This brought over a different legislative and legal reality different from the pattern that prevailed over the past decades.
This requires a regular mechanism for dialogue and discussion between all the legal and human rights activists interested in this matter, we are seeking to  select  topics for discussion, defining the discussion points  and  how to conduct it to ensure the widest possible participation of organizations and individuals .

In this context, we invite you to attend the  first seminar on the decree #34 / 2011 banning strikes . The legal nature of the decree will be discussed ,its effect freedoms and rights ,how it is contrary to international accords and the legal reactions like challenging  the decrees before the state council.

The Seminar will be held  at 6 pm on Tuesday, July 19th , 2011 at the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights

1 ,Souq alTowfikia St.,  fourth floor .

Egyptian Center For Economic  And Social Rights
Association Of  Freedom Of Thought And Expression
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
Hisham Mubarak Law Center
The Arabic Network For Human Rights Information

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