Renewing the detention of journalist Ahmed Allam for 45 days on charges of spreading false news

Cairo Criminal Court (Terrorism Circuit) decided to renew the detention of journalist Ahmed Allam pending Case No.558 of 2020 Supreme State Security Counting for 45 days.
In this case, Allam faces charges of joining a terrorist group, spreading false news, and misusing social media platforms.
Journalist and tv producer exceeded two years and half in pretrial detention so far, just for the reason of practicing his job. He licks his wounds by dreaming a near freedom and deferred plans to compensate what he had missed from occasions and memories with his family and beloved ones whom he Was coerced to leave. He is waiting for a glimpse of hope to end his suffering.
On April 25, 2020, during the first days of Ramadan before last, Allam was arrested from his home in a village in El Ayyat city in Giza Governorate. He was imprisoned pending Case No. 558 of 2020 Supreme State Security Counting, under charges of joining a terrorist group, spreading false news and data, and misusing asocial media platform.
On the 27th of the same month, his interrogation included a question concerning his job as a journalist and media professional, and his relation to making a documentary movie on “Tholathy Adwa’a El Masrah” for Al Jazeera Documentary Channel. Moreover, he was asked about what came in the State Security investigations about joining a terrorist group. Then, Prosecution ordered to imprison him for 15 days pending the Case. Since that date, decisions have been issued to renew his detention till now.
The Egyptian Center’s lawyer said that this was the only time for his defendant to be summoned for interrogation, and Prosecution didn’t confront him with any exhibits or publications, at the time when all defendants who under the same Case, which is known as “Al Jazeera Documentary Movie”, were released. Whilst members in the Presidential Pardon Committee affirmed that they had received his data from more persons and bodies, and his case was brought before specialists for consideration.
In light of the recent breakthrough in the file of the conditions of detainees, and the release of a number of prisoners of conscience in a release and Presidential pardon lists, the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (EXECR) calls upon the responsible authorities to immediately intervene to end the suffering of Allam and his family through releasing him.
The Egyptian Center considers accusing Allam of joining a terrorist group is shocking as he was known with not practicing any political activity within any entity, and especially with his obvious view on religious groups. In addition to accusing him of misusing social media platforms, despite of his inactivity through his Facebook account long before the date of his arrest.
At the end of last July, Allam’s sister got married amidst of incomplete happiness due to his brother’s inability to attend because of the continuing pretrial detention. In her wedding, she raised a photo that brought them together, while a number of his friends were keen to congratulate and console her with prayers to enjoy complete happiness when her brother get released soon.
Eman Allam renewed her calls to the competent authorities to instantaneously release her brother to return to his normal life, expressing her concerns on his health conditions inside his detention, as his family receives news regarding his suffering from health problems. Moreover, she affirms that he didn’t commit any crime that deserve all this suffering.
Ahmed Allam is a journalist and a T.V producer who worked in several journalist and media institutions including, Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper, CBC T.V channel, the Lebanese newspapers Al Akhbar and As-Safir, Al Ghad website and Al Karama newspaper. Moreover, he founded, together with the late Lebanese journalist Wessam Matta, the “Postaji” website.