Economic PoliciesSocial Rights

Postponing White Taxi Challenge to March 18 for State to Review

Feb 26, 2014: communiqués and petitions, social rights, economic rights

The Administrative Court heard yesterday the challenge 27071/68 filed by the ECESR on behalf of the white taxi owners and drivers against the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister, the Minister of Industry and Trade, the Minister of Justice, the Interior Minister, the Minister of Local Development, the Environment Minister, the legal representative of the Bank of Egypt, the legal representative of the Bank of Alexandria, the legal representative of the National Bank of Egypt, the legal representative of the Nasser Social Bank, and the legal representative of Misr Insurance Company. In this challenge, ECESR claimed for halting the implementation of the negative decision that abstained from the formation of a technical financial and legal committee to re-evaluate the new white taxi price as a substitute for old taxis. The assessment should state the real price of the new taxi sold for any consumer in the Egyptian market, with clarification of the material value equivalent to the advantages and subsidy provided by the state for the participants in the project, along with re-fixing the price of the new taxi on the basis of this assessment.

After hearing the oral argument of the ECESR’s lawyer, the challenge has been postponed to March 18 for the state review.

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