ECESR Press ReleasesEnvironmental JusticePress Releasesthe Road to cop27عدالة بيئية

The Prudent Path – The Road to COP27 100 days to COP

The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) launches The Prudent Path Campaign to call attention to the impacts of climate change on economic and social rights in Egypt. The ECESR launched the campaign to coincide with the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (COP27), to be held in Sharm El Sheikh, South Sinai Governorate, from the sixth to the eighteenth of November 2022.

Egypt is one of the countries most at risk from the effects of the Climate Crisis. The 100 day campaign will highlight the negative effects of climate change, and its impacts on economic and social rights, especially in Egypt. The campaign also calls for the government to take decisive steps to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Based on the belief that it is imperative to take urgent and immediate action to confront the negative effects of climate change, and to prioritize environmental protection issues at this critical time, ECESR will produce recommendations and proposals submitted by specialists to be handed to participants in the COP27.

The Prudent Path Campaign will help address climate change in several ways. First it will raise awareness on the effects of climate change and its repercussions on economic and social rights in a number of key sectors, including: health, industry, agriculture, transportation, marine activities, and others, as well as its effects on workers in these sectors.

Second, the campaign hopes to identify the full scope of Egypt’s commitments on environmental issues and climate change, through a review of all international agreements, and national legislations and regulations.

Third, the campaign will assess the effectiveness of government policies to meet its commitment to reducing carbon emissions, which is the main focus of the Conference of the Parties.

Lastly, ECESR will develop an environmental rights litigation strategy to help clarify and implement the Egyptian government’s commitments.

Throughout the campaign, ECESR will host experts on issues related to environmental protection and climate change. It will also hold seminars and panel discussions, and organize a free training course for a number of young lawyers on environmental rights litigation.

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