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Journalists’ Dismissal Hearings| A lawsuit filed by a journalist against “Al-Bawabh” newspaper scheduled for judgment and the postponement of another case in.. and a re-pleading for “Al-Tareeq” journalists


The 5th Labor Circuit of the North Giza Court of First Instance considered the cases of 5 journalists arbitrarily dismissed from Al-Tareeq newspaper, with case numbers 1977, 1976, 1966, 1956, 1967 of 2023. The court listened to witnesses proving the arbitrary dismissal of the plaintiffs, and decided to end the investigation and refer the cases back for pleading in the session on June 6, 2024.

The 2nd Full Labor Circuit of North Giza considered case No.2116 for the year 2022 filed by journalist “Atef A” against “Roayah” news network in a lawsuit for compensation for arbitrary dismissal, and decided to postpone to the session on June 6, 2024 for the documents.

The 1st Appeal Circuit of Cairo Labor Court considered appeal No.1843 of judicial year 141 filed by journalist “Ahmed M S” against “Al-Bawabh” newspaper in a lawsuit for compensation for arbitrary dismissal, and decided to postpone to the session on September 1, 2024 for the inclusion of terms.

The 10th Full Labor Circuit of North Giza considered case No.2199 of 2022 filed by journalist “Marwa A H” against “Al-Bawabh” newspaper in a lawsuit for compensation for arbitrary dismissal, in the first session after submitting the expert’s report in the case file before the court, and decided to schedule the case for judgment in the session on May 30, 2024 وقررت حجز القضية للحكم بجلسة 30 مايو 2024.

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