ECESR Lawyers Request Lift Of Impunity Off Gen. Prosecutor
The Egyptian Center and its legal team have appealed before the High Judiciary Council to lift impunity off both the General prosecutor and the Chief of the Court of Cassation for failing to carry out provisions of Law (89 for 2012) which stipulated the Pardoning process of the detainees and persons charged with crimes during and after the January 2011 revolution and up until Morsi coming to office in July of 2012.
The aforementioned law detailed the provisions and condition that applies to individuals seeking Pardon in crimes relating to the Revolution; the law required the General prosecutor to issue a list of those who will be included in the Pardon and the appeal process of those who were not included, the law also set a timeline which the office of General prosecution and Military Justice must adhere to, the General Prosecutor office later issued a decree that stipulates the executive regulatory process that detailed the processes for said timeline and procedures, to which the Prosecutor’s failed to keep greatly and failed to assign – until now- hearings to individuals appeals.
The Egyptian law punishes public officials who refuse, or fail to carry out verdicts issued by a court or a presidential decrees, ECESR is pursuing legal actions against the Prosecutor General and Chief of Court of Cassation and trying them before court of law.