Criminal JusticeECESR Press ReleasesLegal WorkLitigation

Criminal justice | Doma’s Lawyers and NGOs Bring an Action Against the Court Bench for Serious Irregularities

The bench committed serious irregularities in Doma trial

Defense team accused the court bench of violating the law intentionally

After filing a brief for challenging the Court bench in the Cabinet case, Doma’s defense team, which consisted of Khalid Ali, Nasser Amin, Ragia Omran, in addition to the lawyers of ECESR, Nadeem Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence, the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information, and the National Community for Human Rights, lodged a lawsuit against the court bench itself for committing serious professional errors during the court proceedings, including:

  • Refraining from reviewing all the case documents and denying the defense’s substantive motions;
  • Refraining from enforcing the provisions of law intentionally;
  • Overlooking the facts of assaulting the defendants released and then preventing them from attending the trial hearings;
  • Breaching the principle of public trial;
  • Prejudicing the right of the accused to take note of all the court proceedings without a decision to that effect;
  • Cruel treatment against the accused Ahmed Doma;
  • Paying no attention to the disappearance of some documents annexed to the case in previous hearings and before different bench.
  • Denying the military prosecutor’s investigations in spite of the Magistrate’s reference to these investigations as well as the witnesses’ statements that they were interrogated by the military prosecutor.

The lawsuit was filed and took number 721 for the year 2014 and its first hearing to be held on October 1st.

September 24, 2014 has been determined for considering the court bench challenge.

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