Criminal JusticeECESR Press ReleasesPress Releases

Criminal justice| Acquittal of Four Detained against the Backdrop of Acquitting Mubarak, his Sons, al-Adly and his Aides

Qasr al-Nil Misdemeanors Court held the acquittal of four demonstrators who were arrested on November 29, 2014 demonstrations, according to the ECESR lawyers on defense team.

The demonstration gathered in the Abdel Moneim Riad Square in protest against the verdict that acquitted the deposed President Hosni Mubarak, his two sons, the Interior Minister Habib al-Adli and six others of his aides in the lawsuits filed against them with the charges of killing demonstrators on January 25, 2011 revolution, and other cases related to corruption, public money plundering and profiteering through their positions.

On Tuesday the Court acquitted the four protesters (Abdul Rahman Yahya Abdel-Moneim, Muhammad Ali Mohammed Abdul Ghani, Osama Ahmed Abdel Halim Qandil, Mustafa Jaber Abdel Halim), who had been detained since 10th of November. They were arrested along with more than one hundred protesters, who were all released from Abdeen and Qasr al-Nil police stations, except except the four defendants, who had been brought before the Prosecutor’s Office that charged them with illegal assembly, demonstration and bullying acts, and then remanded them in custody for four days, which was extended to 15 other days. Finally, they were committed for the Misdemeanors Court, which acquitted them.

Although the verdict of acquitting the deposed President, his two sons and the Interior Minister was disappointing in terms of the integrity of the process of bringing those who killed the victims of the revolution and wreaked havoc in Egypt throughout Mubarak’s thirty years of corruption, the Egyptian Center appreciates the acquittal of the four demonstrators and regards it as genuine part of the administration of justice. In this regard, ECESR confirms its permanent respect to the judiciary as part of the respect of the concepts of the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary from any political bias toward different political factions. but the concept of justice and equality, of law and constitutional rights for all citizens  without discrimination.

In this context, ECESR firmly assures that it will continue in defending the demonstrators of the Revolution at all levels until they held acquittal from all the charges leveled against them. The Egyptian Center will continue dealing with them as honest activists who endured a great deal of loss and made great sacrifices so that the revolution could achieve its goals, as well as defending the rights of hard working Egyptians and their rights to bread, freedom, social justice and human dignity.

For all this the Egyptian Center calls for the judiciary to keep its independence and apply due process through holding acquittal to all peaceful demonstrators who have exercised their right to protest in order that their voices may be heard. with the demands of the masses of millions of Egyptians, who took to the streets since January 25, 2011 and up until now, to eliminate all forms of tyranny, mouth gag, confiscation of freedoms, discrimination between the public and those in power, rampant corruption with regard to the public property, abuse of power and its oppression of citizens and their right to a dignified human life.

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