Legal WorkLitigation

Malek Adly’s Attorney Files Complaint to Head of Prisons Authority over Arbitrary Measures towards Client’s Detention

The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) published the complaint filed by Malek Adly’s defense team to the Head of the Prisons Authority against the Warden of Al Mazraa Prison at Tora for the arbitrary measures taken against the prominent HRD and lawyer.

The complaint requested that an investigation be started into the violations committed against Mr. Adly, among which are a) his right to exercise, b) his right to read, c) ending his solitary confinement, d) allowing him to pray, attend the preaching lessons and meet his preacher and e) allowing him to have a suitable, clean and humane detention room using items he buys on his own expenses.

The complaint reports the medical negligence towards Mr. Adly’s health as he is prohibited to leave solitary confinement and his body is not exposed to sunlight which violates articles no. (55&92) of the Egyptian Constitution and violates article no. (44) of the Prisons Law.

The complaint submitted by Mr. Mohamed Azab, an attorney from Mr. Adly’s defense team, complains that the client is denied his rights to exercise which violates article no. (84) of the Egyptian Constitution and article no. (85 bis “c”) amended by the Minister of Interior’s decree no. (3320/2014).

Mr. Azab also complained that his client was denied his right to read books, newspapers and magazines on his own expenses, and his family members were not allowed to send him any during visits, which violates articles no. (30) of the Prisons Law and article no. (15) of the Prison Regulations.

Even though a suspect who is remanded in custody is allowed to add items to his cell on his own expenses, Malek Adly is denied these items, among which is a hospital bed even though it is allowed under article no. (83) of the Prison Regulations, and even though his deteriorating health and injured spine urgently require that.

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