ECESR Obtains Release Orders for “Cafe Detainees”

In cooperation with the Front to Defend Egypt Demonstrators, the ECESR succeeded in getting a release order with the guarantee of place of residence for five of the defendants in the case well-known as “Cafe Detainees”. One of the detainees released is Kamal El-Din Ahmed Saeed, who suffers from heart problems. The first Attorney General of East Cairo prosecution decided today to release Kamal along with 4 other co-defendants in the case No 6905/2013. The 4 other co-defendants are: Ahmed Abdul Aziz, Motee’ Yassin, Amr El-Shahat, and Hossam al-Kholi.
While the ECESR welcomes the releasing decision, though it is late, it calls for releasing all the defendants in the aforementioned case and all persons in custody, especially the students, in cases with political background.