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16 Month Coma Patient Injured In Clashes Wins Right To Treatment On State Expense

The Administrative Court issued a verdict today obliging the government to bear all expenses for the treatment of Mo’awad Adel, one of the injured by the police in 2011 Mohammed Mahmoud St. clashes, Adel’s case requires treatment abroad – London in his case – according to his medical reports, which the state has refused to provide.

ECESR’s lawyers have filed a lawsuit last March on behalf of Adel’s Father to oblige the State to pay for the treatment of  his son’s deteriorating health state, Adel has been in a come for the last 16 months following his injury by a live shot after the police attacked the field hospital established during Mohammed Mahmoud St. Clashes, which he was volunteering in said hospital, since his falling in a coma, Adel has not received any proper treatment because of the state refusal to provide for his treatment.

Mohammed Adel, Lawyer at ECESR, said that the verdict comes as a judiciary protection to the rights of the Revolution injured  and martyrs at the time when the state evades all responsibility towards them.

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